A dash if fun, a pinch of spice, and a whole lot of romance…

Jeigh Lynn has always excelled at communicating. The term motormouth has been used to describe her more than once. She will talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere. A character trait she inherited from her grandfather and father—neither of them has ever met a stranger— and one she has passed on to her youngest son. In short, she comes from a long line of motormouths.

In school, she always excelled in English, so it was no surprise to her mother when she sort of fell into a writing career. In college, she majored in art and still enjoys dabbling. She is the family artist and as such when anyone needs something drawn, sketched, designed, or even just general crafts, it’s Jeigh they call. Though now that she has an exceptionally talented niece, she is training a replacement. Through high school, college, and her pre-writing years, Jeigh worked as a dance instructor. After marriage and the birth of her children, Jeigh decided to try her hand at yet another form of communication: writing.

To date, Jeigh has several novels and a handful of novellas to her credit. She lives in Texas, where she was born and raised, with her real-life hero and their two sons. When she’s not writing or reading, she can usually be found working out, so that she can enjoy the decadence of chocolate: her one bad vice.


Jeigh is pronounced: Jay

© Jeigh Lynn 2022